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Jeffrey Kennedy – Elliott Wave Trading: Principles and Trading Strategies

Jeffrey Kennedy – Elliott Wave Trading: Principles and Trading Strategies How the Wave Principle Helps You Make Smarter Trades A practical methodology that will help you trade Elliott with more confidence, clarity, and accuracy. In Elliott Wave...

Kim Krause Schwalm – Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive

Kim Krause Schwalm – Virtual LA Boot Camp IntensiveNow Available! Your In-Home Version of My No-Holds-Barred LA Boot Camp IntensiveEarlier this year I revealed exactly what this secret was in my first-ever LA Boot Camp Intensive. Not...

Jeffrey Kennedy – Elliott Wave Junctures - The Elliott Wave Principle Applied

Jeffrey Kennedy – Elliott Wave Junctures - The Elliott Wave Principle Applied The Wave Principle Applied How to Spot a Pattern You Recognize and Put Your Trading Plan into Action This course teaches you how to...

Elliottwave – The Kennedy Channeling Technique by Jeffrey Kennedy

Elliottwave – The Kennedy Channeling Technique by Jeffrey Kennedy In this course, Senior Instructor Jeffrey Kennedy shows you how to apply his very own Kennedy Channeling Technique which helps you identify and confirm Elliott waves with...

Jay Abraham – China Connection

Jay Abraham – China ConnectionHow MY Unreleased, Newest Body of Work Got To China Before the U.S.!OK.….. here’s the skinny: Fifteen months ago I was commissioned and paid high six-figures to create an elite, one-of-its-kind, highly-evolved...

Marie Forleo – B-School

Marie Forleo – B-School WHAT IS MARIE FORLEO'S B‑SCHOOL? B-School is an 8 week, interactive video-based training program that teaches smart, effective online marketing strategies to business owners who want more sales and more impact from...

Brian Lofrumento – Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur Bootcamp

Brian Lofrumento - Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur Bootcamp What’s Inside the Bootcamp MODULE 1: The mindset of an entrepreneur Nothing happens by mistake, so it’s time to finally get real with yourself about what you want your...

David I.Cleland – Project Management (4th Ed.)

David I.Cleland - Project Management (4th Ed.)This is the first book to truly apply the theory, processes, practices, and techniques of project management to strategic planning. New to this edition are: risk management, earned value, project...

David Curran – Forex Avenger Trading System

David Curran - Forex Avenger Trading System (forexavenger)Dave, “never worked in a bank” or “in a fancy brokerage” and “barely finished school”. But, he is a “Self-made Forex genius” who “tells all” about his “3 step...

Thomas J.Hine – NASD Arbitration Solution

The right brain guide to NASD compliance for Registered Representatives This book tells the thrilling story of Thomas Hine’s 22-month NASD arbitration, and how he applied timeless martial arts principles to build and protect his wealth...

David Floyd – How I Make A Living Daytrading Stocks

David Floyd – How I Make A Living Daytrading Stocks Let David Floyd Show How In His New Training Module: “How I Make A Living Daytrading Stocks” Dear Fellow Trader, My name is David Floyd. Since 1994,...

Hector DeVille & Hector Trader – Learn Forex Live Home Study Course (

Hector DeVille & Hector Trader – Learn Forex Live Home Study Course ( From: Hector DeVilleDate: August 14, 2015 February 19, 2010 October 19, 2009Dear trader,Over the years I have seen a number of people coming to me...