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"Practical Insights"
Showing 51-100 of 128 items.

Jeffrey Kleintop – Market Evolution

Jeffrey Kleintop - Market EvolutionToday's investors face a challenging environment like none before. The factors that affect financial markets are evolving rapidly and the changes may surprise unprepared investors with investment performance that is below the...

John Campbell & Luis Viceira – Strategic Asset Allocation.

John Campbell Luis Viceira - Strategic Asset AllocationThis volume provides a scientific foundation for the advice offered by financial planners to long-term investors. Based upon statistics on asset return behavior and assumed investor objectives, the authors...

David J.Leinweber – Nerds On Wall Street

David J Leinweber - Nerds on Wall StreetNerds on Wall Street tells the tale of the ongoing technological transformation of the world's financial markets. The impact of technology on investing is profound, and author David Leinweber provides...

Jeffrey Cohen – Intangible Assets Valuation And Economic Benefit

Jeffrey Cohen - Intangible Assets Valuation and Economic BenefitPraise for Intangible Assets"In Intangible Assets, Jeffrey Cohen presents an informative, thought-provoking, and practical look at an increasingly important component of every business's worth. He describes the art...

Tom Dorsey – Using Point And Figure Charts To Analyze Markets

Tom Dorsey - Using Point and Figure Charts to Analyze MarketsAn up-to-date look at point and figure charting from one of the foremost authorities in the fieldIf you're looking for an investment approach that has stood...

Louis Navellier – The Little Book That Makes You Rich

Louis Navellier - The Little Book That Makes You RichProfit from a powerful, proven investment strategyThe Little Book That Makes You Rich is the latest book in the popular "Little Book, Big Profits" series. Written by Louis...

Base Camp Trading – Workshop Earnings Powerplay by Dave Aquino

Base Camp Trading – Workshop Earnings Powerplay by Dave Aquino The Base Camp Trading – Workshop Earnings Powerplay is a specialized workshop designed to help traders maximize their profits during corporate earnings releases. Here are some...

Erich A.Helfert – Financial Analysis Tools And Techniques A Guide For Managers

Erich A.Helfert - Financial Analysis Tools and Techniques a Guide for ManagersFrom the PublisherFramed in a dynamic model of the business system. Templates and diagrams illustrate key concepts. Provides a complete decisional framework for investment decisions....

Merrit Black – SMB Futures Foundation Program

Merrit Black – SMB Futures Foundation Program Futures Foundation Program with Private Student Community The very best training program we have to offer as a professional trading desk. If we're going to take a trader to...

Russell L.Olson – The Handbook For Investment Committee Members

Russell L.Olson – The Handbook for Investment Committee MembersProduct DescriptionRussell L.Olson - The Handbook for Investment Committee MembersComprehensive coverage of what it takes to be a responsible member of an investment committeeIn a clear, organized, and...

David Abner – The ETF Handbook. How To Value And Trade Exchange Traded Funds

David Abner - The ETF Handbook How to Value and Trade Exchange Traded FundsDescriptionThe first technical guide to ETFs geared towards professional advisors, institutional investors, and financial professionals seeking to understand the mechanics of ETFsAuthor/trader Dave...

Mark Wolfinger – Create Your Own Hedge Fund

Mark Wolfinger - Create Your Own Hedge FundDiscover a practical trading strategy that combines options and ETFs. Create Your Own Hedge Fund explains how exchange-traded funds can be used in conjunction with an options strategy to...

Robert Zoller – Tools & Techniques of a Medieval Astrologer (I, II, III)

Robert Zoller - Tools & Techniques of a Medieval AstrologerBook One: Prenatal Concerns and the Calculation of the Length of Life.For twenty years Tools and Techniques has been a leading text for the Predictive astrologer. Now extensively revised,...

David A. Strachman – Funds Of Funds Investing

David A.Strachman – Funds Of Funds Investing Valuable guidance on fund of funds investing While capital markets have become more complex, investors are still looking to increase portfolio performance without increasing risk. Fund of funds investing...

Raghee Horner – Forex Trading For Maximum Profit Course

Raghee Horner - Forex Trading for Maximum Profit Course Take an in–depth, how–to look at Forex trading using the methods, analysis, and insights of a renowned trader, Raghee Horner. As the fate of the dollar against...

David M.Jones – Unlocking The Secrets Of The Fed

Unlocking the Secrets of the FedWritten by America's most respected Fed watcher-Dr. David Jones-Unlocking the Secrets of the Fed gets inside the world of monetary and fiscal policymaking and explains how understanding and anticipating the actions...

Mark Douglas – Trading in the Zone (audiobook+pdf)

Mark Douglas – Trading in the Zone (audiobook+pdf) From Publishers Weekly Douglas, president of the seminar firm Trading Behavior Dynamics, focuses on the psychology of successful traders. Instead of offering specific strategies, he advises readers, "The...

Philip J.McDonnell – Optimal Portfolio Modeling

Optimal Portfolio Modeling is an easily accessible introduction to portfolio modeling for those who prefer an intuitive approach to this discipline. While early chapters provide engaging insights on the statistical properties of markets, this book quickly moves...

Jeffrey M.Christian – Commodities Rising

Commodities Rising"Commodities Rising, part memoir and part investment guide, provides a unique and practical perspective that is based on a rare combination of professional experiences."-Donald F. Larson, Senior Economist, World Bank"Jeffrey Christian brings twenty-five years of...

J.Thomas Wren – Investing Leadership

J.Thomas Wren - Investing LeadershipThe tension between ruler and ruled in democratic societies has never been satisfactorily resolved, and the competing interpretations of this relationship lie at the bottom of much modern political discourse. The author...

Michael N. Kahn – Technical Analysis Plain & Simple (3rd Ed.)

Michael N. Kahn – Technical Analysis Plain & Simple (3rd Ed.) “This book is an excellent primer. As a proponent of the art-versus-science school of technical analysis, his primary focus is on the practical aspects of...

Marc Rivalland – Marc Rivalland On Swing Trading

Marc Rivalland - Marc Rivalland On Swing TradingThe proactive approach to the stock market - don't be a victim - there is something you can do about it. Swing trading is an approach to the stock...

Issy Bacher – Cycle-Trends (Wealth Investment Course)

Cycle-Trends (Wealth Investment Course) The greatest stock market story of all time How an accountant, a pianist, a blackjack player, a game designer, and 19 other amateurs became stock market millionaires - with only 14 days...

Bloomberg Financial Series – Visual Guide to Options

Bloomberg Financial Series – Visual Guide to Options The practical, visual guide to the complex world of options investing loaded with tactics and tips for market success Options provide a diverse, strategic, advantaged approach to trading...

Adam Grimes – The Art and Science of Technical Analysis: Market Structure, Price Action, and Trading Strategies

Adam Grimes – The Art and Science of Technical Analysis Market Structure, Price Action, and Trading Strategies A breakthrough trading book that provides powerful insights on profitable technical patterns and strategies The Art and Science of...

Roman Bogomazov – Wyckoff Trading Course Part II (Formerly Called Practicum)

Wyckoff Trading Course Part II (formerly called Practicum, Fall 2019) The WTC Part II further strengthens your Wyckoff Method foundation, delivering advanced tools to successfully execute more profitable trades Visual Recognition Skill — “Practicum” Applied Knowledge...

Daniel Ferrera – The Art Of Trade

Daniel T. Ferrera – The Art Of Trade W. D. Gann’s System of Chart Reading & Pattern Trading "Following the rules is what makes money… Buy or sell only on rules and on definite indications. Let...

Soundstrue – Living From a Place of Surrender

Soundstrue – Living From a Place of SurrenderYOU’LL RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING: Eight transformational video-learning sessions with the author of The Untethered Soul—more than nine hours of never-before-seen teachings over eight weeks SESSION 1: Who Am I? 2:...

AL Books – Trading Price Action Trends Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar

AL Books – Trading Price Action Trends (Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar) A practical guide to profiting from institutional trading trends The key to being a successful trader is finding a system that...

Alexander Elder – The New Trading For A Living: Psychology, Discipline, Trading Tools And Systems, Risk Control, Trade Management

Alexander Elder – The New Trading For A Living: Psychology, Discipline, Trading Tools And Systems, Risk Control, Trade Management The best-selling trading book of all time - updated for the new era The New Trading for...

Larry Connor – TradingMarkets Swing Trading College 2019

Larry Connor – TradingMarkets Swing Trading College 2019 Do you lack control over your trades, not sure where to enter or exit? Are your trades lacking discipline? Put a Stop to Bad Trading Habits & Get...

Greg Morris – Candlestick Charting Explained

Greg Morris - Candlestick Charting Explained (Times Techniques for Trading Stock and Futures) Inside this book you will discover candlestick charting, one of the most popular tools in technical analysis. Candlestick Charting Explained features updated charts and analysis...

Pierre Lequeux – Financial Markets Tick By Tick

Pierre Lequeux - Financial Markets Tick by TickFinancial Markets Tick by Tick Insights in Financial Markets Microstructure Edited by Pierre Lequeux "Financial Markets Tick by Tick is an in-depth and unique collection of analyses of the...

Don Snellgrove – Selective Forex Trading

Don Snellgrove - Selective Forex Trading Selective Forex Trading skillfully outlines author Don Snellgrove’s S90/Crossover: an independently verified technical indicator that has provided traders with the ability to achieve over 100 consecutive Forex trades without a single...


OPENTRADER – PROFESSIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMIf you’ve been a losing trader, getting beaten down by the market again and again, low on confidence and full of doubt, things are about to change for you.Welcome to what we...

Paul Cornell – Accessing And Analyzing Data With Microsoft Excel

Paul Cornell - Accessing and Analyzing Data with Microsoft ExcelMaster the tools that transform the information in spreadsheets, databases, and servers into faster, better business decisions. Packed with expert insights and practical Your Turn exercises, this...

Thomas N.Bulkowski – Getting Started In Chart Patterns

Thomas N.Bulkowski - Getting Started in Chart PatternsChart pattern analysis is not only one of the most important investing tools, but also one of the most popular. Filled with expert insights and practical advice from one...

Bryan Maizlish & R.Handler – Portfolio Management Step By Step

Bryan Maizlish, R.Handler - Portfolio Management Step by StepPraise for IT Portfolio Management Step-by-Step"Bryan Maizlish and Robert Handler bring their deep experience in IT 'value realization' to one of the most absent of all IT management...

Orderflowforex – Order Flow Mastery Course

Orderflowforex - Order Flow Mastery Course How the “Order Flow Mastery Course” Will Change Your Trading Forever By Teaching You The Universal Principles of Speculation And Trading Secrets of Jesse Livermore, George Soros and Paul Tudor...

Christopher Baum – An Introduction To Modern Econometrics Using Stata

Author:Christopher F. BaumPublisher:Stata PressCopyright:2006ISBN-13:978-1-59718-013-9Comment from the Stata technical groupAn Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata, by Christopher F. Baum, successfully bridges the gap between learning econometrics and learning how to use Stata. The book presents a...

Lenni Jordan – Options Plain & Simple

Lenni Jordan - Options Plain & SimpleOptions, Plain & Simple is a straightforward and practical guide to the fundamentals of options. It isplain because it includes only what is essential to basic understanding. It is simple because it presents options...

Maurice Obstfeld & Kenneth Rogoff – Foundations Of International MacroEconomics

Maurice Obstfeld, Kenneth Rogoff - Foundations of International MacroEconomicsFoundations of International Macroeconomics is an innovative text that offers the first integrative modern treatment of the core issues in open economy macroeconomics and finance. With its clear and...

Norton Paley – Manage To Win

Norton Paley - Manage to Win Learn how to reshape and reposition your company to meet tougher challenges and competitors, when to confront and when to retreat, how to assess risk and opportunity and how to...

Chris Lori – AllStarFX Pro Trader Complete FX Course

Chris Lori - AllStarFX Pro Trader Complete FX Course Since 2004, having conducted several dozen live Forex Training workshops for Forexmentor members around the world, I've had the privileage of meeting and talking to many of...

Chris Lori – Pro Trader Advanced Forex WorkShop

Chris Lori - Pro Trader Advanced Forex WorkShop (12 CDs & Manual) Since 2004, having conducted several dozen live Forex Training workshops for Forexmentor members around the world, I've had the privileage of meeting and talking to many...

Brian Johnson – Option Strategy Risk Return Ratio

Brian Johnson – Option Strategy Risk Return Ratio Written by Brian Johnson, a professional investment manager with many years of trading and teaching experience, Option Strategy Risk/Return Ratios introduces a revolutionary new framework for evaluating, comparing,...

Randomwalktrading – Power Combo

Randomwalktrading - Power Combo Welcome to Random Walk Trading. From Books, eBooks, Online Courses, Video and Book Bundles, up to tons of Free Articles, we got them all. Truly affordable Option Trading Education at your fingertips....

Barry William Rosen – Indian Time Cycles and Market Forecasting (Article)

Barry William Rosen – Indian Time Cycles and Market Forecasting (Article) It is a little known fact that W. D. Gann went to India and studied Indian Sidereal Astrology. In his notebooks we find sketches of...

Brian Singer – Investment Leadership & Portfolio Management

Product DescriptionAn industry leader candidly examines the role of investment leadership in portfolio managementInvestment Leadership & Portfolio Management provides a top down analysis of successful strategies, structures, and actions that create an environment that leads to strong...

Tim Bost – Enhancing Technical Analysis with Planetary Price & Price Factors

Tim Bost – Enhancing Technical Analysis with Planetary Price & Price Factors In this powerful two-day workshop, renowned market astrologer Tim Bost presents advanced astro-trading techniques that open the door to more profitable results for every...