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How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success In Getting Free Advertising —
Then Used It To Become Rich And Famous, Not Just Once, But Repeatedly!

Just so you know I’m well worth listening to, here’s a quick summary of some of my best achievements with free publicity:

  1. A simple mailing that cost me less than $100.00 brought a flood of  newspaper and magazine reporters, radio shows and TV shows to me…and they all promoted my product free, to millions, on and on for 6 months!
  2. One little “publicity release” brought the worldwide cable-TV news  network CNN to me…they sent a big truck with antennas on top right to my front door…interviewed me…and ran that interview EVERY HALF HOUR  for three days!
  3. The Johnny Carson Show! Not only did Johnny promote my product on the show, he also put together one of his special parodies based on my product.
  4. I’ve been on The Jenny Jones Show, the Donahue Show, To Tell the Truth  and The Regis Philbin Show.
  5. A Two Page article about me appeared in FORBES MAGAZINE.
  6. I’ve been interviewed on over 1,000 radio and TV talk shows throughout  the United States and in several foreign countries.

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